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What Is a Scholarly Article Source

Non-scientific sources contain the following: It is important to remember that it is a skill to identify a source as reliable or unreliable. Learning how to do this can take practice. If you have any doubts, do not hesitate to contact a research librarian. Many universities even have 24/7 online chat access with research librarians ready to help. No. Often, websites that end in .org can be credible. In general, however, .org sites are non-profit organizations with a specific mission. Nonprofits with a .org domain can direct you to scientific sources if they cite studies with a list of authors. Yes, you can use non-scientific sources for your work. First, check with your supervisor to see if the use of non-scientific sources is allowed. Above all, „being a research skeptic,“ Jones said. If you don`t have enough information to verify an author`s claim, look for other sources that say similar things. Remember that the word „search“ means to search again and again.

Whether you`re working on an academic article, an annual report, or a blog post, your credibility may depend on the sources you choose to research and support your claims. There`s a big jump from a Twitter feed to a scientific source. Scientific sources are usually written for other scientists, but don`t let that stop you from exploiting and citing them. The Summary and Conclusion sections can add solid information to your project. Pro tip: If you use bibliographic databases such as PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, DOAJ, ERIC, ScienceDirect, or JSTOR, you can be sure from the start that the articles are scientific sources. Some of them are subscription-based and you only have access to them when you`re on the campus network. But there are also a number of academic search engines that allow you to find articles for free. Luster has good news. Three basic components of scientific research can provide the takeaways you need to cite scientific sources effectively (and intelligently!): It`s important to note that scientific research is often peer-reviewed, meaning that other scientists in the field review the work and decide if the research and methods are sound.

If so, the work is considered reliable and appropriate for publication in a journal or scientific publisher. Professors and students rely on scientific journal articles to share their research, and the publication of their work allows others to benefit from their findings. With websites from scientific sources, it`s now easier than ever to find the research you need to support your project. Real scientific sources do not allow this. Scientific sources can be primary or secondary research. They can also be available in many different formats. Books, articles, and websites can all be scientific. Keep in mind that there is sometimes a difference between scientific articles and peer-reviewed articles. Not all peer-reviewed sources are scientific, but not all scientific sources are peer-reviewed. In its simplest form, „a scientific source is material written by scientists for scientists,“ said Anaya Jones, eLearning librarian at Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU). An important part of the verification process is determining whether the source is credible or not.

Determining credibility „depends so much on what you need that information for,“ Jones said. Evaluating sources is not a matter of good or bad. It`s about deciding if the information is a good fit for you. When searching for scientific sources, library databases are the best place to start. You will find a wealth of information published in scientific journals and academic presses. Most colleges and universities have subscriptions that give students online access to all scientific journals. Library databases also contain popular sources, but be sure to focus your research only on academic sources. The best way to do this is to start your search by searching for peer-reviewed journals.

It is important to note that not all journals are scientific. Some are „predatory,“ meaning writers „pay to play“ — they charge a fee for writers to publish their research. Avoid them. You can identify them by searching for the submission requirements of the publication. If you`re wondering how to tell if a source is scientific, these characteristics are shared by scientific references: scientific material, on the other hand, usually consists of research studies and journal articles aimed at advancing knowledge in a particular field. Scientific sources are not intended to entertain. Its purpose is to inform and advance their academic field. Scientific sources are usually found in academic journals or are published by academic publishers such as The Journal of Educational Behavior or Columbia University Press. Despite the shortcomings, peer-reviewed publications are widely regarded as the gold standard among scientific sources. A scientific source presents and discusses research in a specific academic, clinical or scientific field. It doesn`t try to persuade an opinion, and it doesn`t encourage readers to buy a product. Most scientific sources provide clues as to their validity.

Look for these criteria: (Note: „Pay for Play“ is different from an „open access“ article, where the author pays a fee so that the article is available to the public and not just by subscription.) The term scientific usually means that the source has been peer-reviewed, which is a lengthy process of editing and reviewing by scientists in the field to verify quality and validity. To determine if your source has been peer-reviewed, you can review the journal in which the article was published. Visit the journal`s website for information on submission and review guidelines, or search the journal title in the UlrichsWeb global directory of serials to learn more. Not all articles published in a peer-reviewed journal have gone through the peer review process, so you should review the journal`s publication process and evaluate the article yourself. But wait. Finding reliable, high-quality sources can be intimidating. Do not worry. A University of Phoenix faculty member who writes scientific papers offers tips on how students and non-scientists can make journals work for them. the difference. First, identify the author. From there, you can make an educated guess about the audience.

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